Latest IELTS Speaking Questions September to December 2024

This is a list of the current IELTS Speaking Topics for September to December 2024. More Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 questions will be added as students take their tests, so watch this space! In the first few weeks of September, questions from the last list can be used.

Girl thinking and text about IELTS Speaking Part 2 Quiz

Please remember, these questions are reported by students after their test, so although the topic will be correct, there may be some slight grammar errors.

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Latest IELTS Speaking Parts 2 and 3

Part 2
Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/store
You should say:
Where the shop is
When you received the good service
What service you received
And explain how you felt about the service

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. Whay are shopping malls so popular?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in small shops?
  3. What are the differences between shopping online and in-store shopping?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

Part 2
Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife (eg. animals, birds, insects, plants)
You should say
Where it is
When you went there
What animals you saw there
How you feel about the place

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. Why are most children interested in wild animals?
  2. Should parents take their children to the zoo to see wild animals?
  3. Are wild animals easy to spot in your country?
  4. Are there many documentaries about wildlife in your country?
  5. What impact does only seeing wild animals in zoos have on children’s understanding of these animals?
  6. Which is the better way to see wildlife, watching documentaries or going into the wild?

Part 2
Describe someone else’s room you enjoy spending time in
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you can do in it
And explain why you really like it

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. Do you like to invite your friends to your home?
  2. Do most people visit other people’s houses during the most important holiday in your country?
  3. Why do people often take gifts with them when they visit others’ homes?
  4. What are the most enjoyable parts of having a meal together with your family?
  5. Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people?
  6. Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?

Part 2
Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country
You should say:
What it is
At which festival/event you eat it
How it is made
And explain why you like it

Part 3

  1. Do people in your country grow plants at home?
  2. What plants can people grow in cities?
  3. Are there any difficulties when people grow plants in cities?
  4. Do most people prefer vegetables bought from the supermarket or grown at home?
  5. Why do people like to have a big meal at traditional festivals or big events?
  6. Is it bad behaviour for people to look at their phones during a meal?

Part 2
Describe a public park or garden
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
How often you go there
What you often do there
And explain how you feel about it

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3
ls it necessary to have public parks in cities?
What facilities are needed in a park?
What are the differences between a garden and a natural area?
Why do people like to visit tourist attractions?
What tourist attractions are popular in your country?
How can we encourage young people to go to parks more often?

Part 2
Describe a place in your hometown/city that is different from other places and you would like to visit with your parents/friends
You should say:
Where it is
Why you think it is different
Who you would like to go there with
And explain whether you have been there

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. What are the differences between big cities andsmall cities?
  2. Where do people in your hometown like to go?
  3. What are the differences between the places young people like to go and the places old people like to go?
  4. What do young people like to do in their leisure time?
  5. Do you think it is necessary to visit the same place many times?
  6. What factors attract people to go to visit other places other than their hometown?

Part 2
Describe a person who likes to make things by hand (e.g. toys, furniture)
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she makes
Why he/she likes to make things by hand
And explain how you feel about the person

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3

  1. Are traditional handicrafts important to tourism?
  2. What are the benefits for students to learn to make things by hand?
  3. Why do many children like to make things by hand?
  4. How important are traditional handicrafts to a country’s industry?
  5. ls it reasonable to charge a high price for handmade things?
  6. How does modern technology change the handicraft industry?

Part 2
Describe a person who likes to read a lot
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What he/she likes to read
And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3

  1. Why are many people so keen on reading?
  2. Do you think parents should help their childrendevelop the reading habit from an early age?
  3. ls reading for fun or for work?
  4. What reading topics are popular in your country?
  5. What are the differences between paper booksand movies?
  6. Do you think people of all ages need to read?

Part 2
Describe a photo that is special to you
You should say:
When and where it was taken
Who are in the photo
Why it is special to you
And explain whether you will keep it for a long time

Part 3

  1. Who would take photos more often, young people or older people?
  2. What do young people and old people like to take photos of?
  3. Why do some people pay a ton of money to hire professional photographers to take photos at some special occasions, such as weddings?

Part 2
Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult
You should say:
What it was
When and where you faced it
Why you thought it was a difficult challenge
And explain how you felt at the time

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. What do children often do when they face a challenge?
  2. ls it easy for children to overcome a challenge?
  3. Do most people choose to face a challenge alone or with others?
  4. What activities do you think would make children feel challenged? Why?
  5. What challenges would people face when learning new sports?
  6. Why do some people enjoy doing extreme sports?

Part 2
Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal)
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
What you did to receive it
And explain how you felt about it

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. Do you think competition is all about the prize?
  2. Why should we set prizes for competitions?
  3. What prizes should schools set for students?
    What criteria should be set for students to win a particular prize?
  4. Why do many companies offer prizes to their customers?
  5. Why do some companies encourage employees to compete with each other?

Part 2
Describe a time when you lost an important valuable item
You should say:
When and where it happened
What it was
How valuable it was
How you lost it
And explain how you felt about the experience

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. What are some common items that people tend tolose easily?
  2. What are the reasons why people often misplaceor lose things?
  3. What do people often do after losing things?
  4. What should parents do to teach their children notto lose things?
  5. Are there any good ways to remind us not toforget or lose things?
  6. ls it important for students to be organized?

Part 2
Describe a person who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse)
You should say:
Who he/she is
What he/she does
Why he/she chose this career
And explain how you feel about him/her

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3

  1. Do you think doctors and nurses are very important?
  2. Who plays a more important role, doctors or nurses?
  3. Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?
  4. Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?
  5. What are the differences between the work of a doctor and a nurse?
  6. Can a hospital function effectively without nurses?

Part 2
Describe a time when you helped a family member/relative with something
You should say:
When it happened
Who you helped
How you helped
And explain how you felt about the experience

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. How can children help their parents at home?
    Should parents always help their children with everything?
  2. What can children learn by helping others?
    Do neighbours often help each other in your country?
    How do people know that their neighbours might need help?
  3. Should parents reward their children when they help others?

Part 2
Describe an old person you know
You should say:
Who this person is
Where he/she lives in
What he/she has done in his/her life
And explain how you feel about this person

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3

  1. What do you think people like to do when they are old?
  2. Do you think grandparents can always have a good relationship with their grandchildren?
  3. What can grandparents and grandchildren learn from each other?
  4. Do you think children’s parents enjoy living with the grandparents in the family? Why?

Part 2
Describe a movie you like that you watched recently
You should say:
When and where you watched it
Who you watched it with
What it was about
And explain why you like this movie

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

Part 3

  1. What kinds of movies do you think are successful in your country?
  2. What are the factors that make a successful movie?
  3. Do Chinese people prefer to watch domestic movies or foreign movies?
  4. Do you think only well-known directors can create the best movies?
  5. Do you think successful movies should have well-known actors or actresses in leading roles?
  6. Why do people prefer to watch movies in the cinema?

Part 2
Describe an ideal and perfect place where you would like to stay (e.g. a house, an apartment)
You should say:
Where it would be
What it would look like
What special features it would have
Whether it would be big or small
And explain why it would be an ideal place for you

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. What are apartments like in your country?
  2. Why are apartments popular in some places while not in other places?
  3. What would people normally consider when theyrent or buy a house or an apartment?
  4. Do different people have different preferences for houses or apartments?
  5. Why do some people choose to live in the city center?
  6. What do you think buildings will be like in the future?

Part 2
Describe a crowded place you went to
You should say:
Where it was
When you went there
Who you went there with
What you did there
And how you felt about it

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. Which cities are overcrowded in your country?
    Will there be more or less green space in cities in the future?
    Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future?
  2. Why do people go to crowded places?
  3. Do you think there are some people who enjoy crowded places?
  4. Do you think it is a good trend to have more big cities?

Part 2
Describe a person from whom others like to ask for advice
You should say:
Who this person was
Why you asked for the advice
What the advice was
And explain how you felt about the advice

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3

  1. Who should people ask for advice on big issues, family members or friends?
  2. Do you follow the advice of family members?
  3. Do people often ask advice from professional people, like a lawyer?
  4. Why do some people like to ask others for advice on almost everything?
  5. Do you think the advice parents give their children is always good?
  6. Are professional consultancy services expensive in your country?

Part 2
Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there (e.g. a library, museum, theatre)
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew this place
What it is like
And explain how the place is related to culture

Check out our ultimate guide for describing places

Part 3

  1. How does the internet affect culture?
  2. How is a culture formed?
  3. What kind of culture is popular among young people?
  4. How do young people learn different cultures?
  5. Which is more important in terms of culture, literature or music?
  6. Does the culture of the past have an impact on today’s culture?

Part 2
Describe an old friend you had lost touch with and got in contact with again
You should say :
Who he/she is
How you knew each other
Why you lost contact
How you got in contact again
And explain how you felt after getting in contact again

Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

Part 3
ls it better to have a lot of friends than just a few friends?
Would having just a few friends limit your horizons?
Do you think you are good at maintaining good relationships with others?
Why do old friends lose touch with each other?
Why do people need to make new friends?
Why do we have to give up some old friends?

    Part 2
    Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place
    You should say:
    When and where it happened
    What he/she said
    How you corresponded
    And explain how you felt about the experience

    Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

    Part 3

    1. Do most people mind others talking on the phone in public places?
    2. What are the differences between sitting beside a person who keeps talking on the phone and a person who keeps talking to you?
    3. Why do some people not care what they do in public places?
    4. Do you think parents should teach their children not to behave badly in public places?
    5. Is it acceptable to talk on the phone in public?
      Should people be banned from talking loudly in public places?

    Part 2
    Describe a person who has strong opinions
    You should say:
    Who this person is
    How you knew him/her
    Why you think he/she is a person who has strong opinions
    What kinds of strong opinions this person has
    And explain how you feel about his/her opinions

    Check out our ultimate guide for describing a person!

    Part 3

    1. What do young people have strong opinionsabout?
    2. What do old people have strong opinions about?
    3. Are there many young people who have strongopinions in our lives?
    4. Which is more important, listening to others orpersuading others?
    5. Do you think we should only say something afterthinking it through?
    6. Do you think it is good to have strong opinions?

    Part 2
    Describe something you did in your study/work that has made you feel confident
    You should say:
    When and where it happened
    What you did
    Why it made you feel confident
    And explain how you felt about it

    Check out our ultimate guide for describing a time or event!

    Part 3

    1. How can a person become more confident?
      What can teachers do to help their students become more confident?
    2. How can teachers help their students becomemore confident by rewarding them for studying?
    3. What can teachers do to make studying more interesting?
    4. Do you think that children of confident parents arealso confident?
    5. Why do so many people lack confidence these days?

    Part 2
    Describe an online video in which you learned something new
    You should say:
    When and where you watched it
    What it was
    Why you watched it
    And explain what you have learned from it

    Part 3

    1. What kinds of videos are most popular in your country?
    2. Are there many people who watch online videos a lot?
    3. Do you think people spend too much time watching short videos? why?
    4. Why are so many young people obsessed with short videos?
    5. What are the advantages of online learning?
    6. Do you think online learning will replace face-to-face learning?

    Latest IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions

    Taking photos
    Part 1

    1. Do you like taking photos?
    2. Where do you like to go to take photos?

    Making friends/people
    Part 1

    1. Do you like making friends?
    2. Did you make a lot of friends when you were a child?
    3. Have you made any new friends recently?
    4. What do you often talk about with your new friends?
      Do you like meeting new people?
      Where can you meet new people?
    5. Do you enjoy talking to new people?

    Part 1

    1. Do you like teamwork?
    2. Have you teamed up with someone else before?
      What do you learn from working in a team?
    3. What do you dislike about teamwork?

    Place of work/study
    Part 1

    1. Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?
    2. What is your favourite place to study?
    3. What part of your school do you like the most?
    4. Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace?
    5. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?

    Good view
    Part 1

    1. What is the view like around the place where you live?
    2. Have you seen an unforgettable view?
    3. Would you take photos when you see a good view?
      What is your favourite place and why?

    Part 1

    1. Do you like perfume?
    2. Do you use perfume?
    3. Where do you spray perfume?
    4. Do you send perfume to others as a gift?
      Do you spend a lot of money on buying perfume?

    Part 1

    1. Do you have a favourite teacher?
    2. In what way has your favourite teacher helped you?
    3. Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember?
    4. Are you still in touch with your primary schoolteachers?
    5. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

    Part 1

    1. ls fishing popular in your country?
    2. Do you like eating fish?
    3. Do you like fishing?
    4. Did you ever go fishing when you were a child?

    Part 1

    1. Do you enjoy watching interesting and funny movies?
    2. Do you think you are a funny person?
    3. Are you a person who often makes others laugh?
    4. Do you always laugh at funny things?
    5. When was the last time you laughed?

    Roads and streets
    Part 1

    1. Are the roads and streets in the area where you live busy?
    2. How do people cross the road in the city where you live?
    3. How is the condition of the roads in your city?
    4. Do you think the roads in your city need improvement?

    Part 1

    1. Do you often carry coins with you?
    2. Have you ever collected coins?
      ls it convenient to use coins?
    3. Do you use coins in your daily life?
    4. Did you use coins as a child?

    Part 1

    1. Did you have a bike when you were young?
    2. Do you have a bike now?
    3. Do you often ride a bike now?
    4. Are bikes popular in your country?
      Did you ride a bike when you were little?