C1 Advanced Writing

Everything you need to practice and improve your C1 Advanced Writing Part 1 and Part 2, with sample answers. How to complete the tasks, paraphrasing and more.

C1 Advanced Writing General

C1 Advanced Grammar: What You Need to Do!

Introduction In C1 Advanced writing, you are marked on four criteria: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language. In this post, we’re going to talk about the last one, particularly grammar….

Cambridge C1 Writing Questions.

C1 Advanced Task 1 Essay Questions Although most students complain that their English speaking is poor, many are terrified of writing. In both writing and speaking, practice is essential, so…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1

C1 Advanced Grammar: What You Need to Do!

Introduction In C1 Advanced writing, you are marked on four criteria: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language. In this post, we’re going to talk about the last one, particularly grammar….

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1 Sample Answers

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1: General Health

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced writing Part 1 essay question on the best ways of improving the general health of people in today’s…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1: Regular Exercise

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced writing Part 1 essay question on how to motivate children to do regular exercise. What do you think?…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1: Science

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced writing Part 1 essay question on ways for the government to boost students’ interest in science. What do…

C1 Advanced Writing Task 1: Value of Travel

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced writing Part 1 essay question on the value of travelling to other countries. What do you think? Collocations…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1: Graduate Employment

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced writing Part 1 essay question on Methods schools and universities use to help students find suitable jobs. What…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2 Sample Answers

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2: Email

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced Writing Part 2 email. For collocations about sport, go here. Below, is a list of less common vocabulary…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2: Review

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced Writing Part 2 review. For collocations about technology, go here. Below, is a list of less common vocabulary…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2: Proposal

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced Writing Part 2 proposal. Below, is a list of less common vocabulary with definitions. Read the sample answer,…

C1 Advanced Writing Part 2: Report

This is a high-scoring sample answer for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced Writing Part 2 report. Collocations about economics can be found here. Below, also, is a list of less…