B2 First Speaking Part 1 – What Reasons Do Other People Have for Learning English? 3 Sample Answers

High-scoring sample answers for the B2 First Speaking Part 1 question: What Reasons Do Other People Have for Learning English? There are three versions of the answer, each using a method from ‘B2 First Speaking Part 1: How to vary Your Answers‘. Understand what you need to talk about and the kind of answers you need to start your B2 First speaking test well.

B2 First Speaking Part 1 Quiz

3 Sample Answers for the Question

What Reasons Do Other People Have for Learning English?

1/ Speculate

It’s difficult to say what reasons people have for doing, for learning English, but I imagine that some people continue to learn English because it’s something they are good at. And so, their English results at school or college or whatever can go towards their overall grade, while others, I believe, would do it so that they can use it for their job or something like that. Maybe even travel, who can say?

2/ Time detail

I believe that some people learn English because they want to get to a certain standard before they go to university. And so, their English will be one of the entry requirements for university or possibly even to do, to study abroad somewhere. And so, they need to reach a certain level within a certain time.

3/ Give an example

I think there are various reasons for people learning English, but I think one of the main ones these days for many students is so that they can study in America, Australia or the. So, for example, they will want to take an IELTS test or one of the Cambridge tests as part of the entry requirements.

Speaking Analysis

This is my opinion of the above answers. The answer was given as in a test, with minimal preparation time.

Answer 1 – Good. I answer the question then speculate about why.

Answer 2 – Good. I answer the question, then relate what they need to do to the time they need to do it.

Answer 3 – Good. I answer the question and give an example of the kind of exam they want to take.

Less Common and Idiomatic Vocabulary

  • to go towards something – to make a contribution to
  • entry requirements – results needed for entry to university
  • a certain time – a time set by someone

Let me know if you think the sample answer is useful or not in the comments below. Good luck with your IELTS Speaking test!

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